Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's day Treats!

Happy Mother's day to all of you amazing woman out there!  Even if you don't have children of your own... Every woman is a mother in one way or another. You all are worthy of celebration! Thank you for making this world a better place. A special Happy Mother's Day to my dear Mother. She is an amazing woman, mother and grandmother. She will have 5 new grandchildren join her life this year. She taught me to love being a mother! She taught me compassion, gratitude, love, endurance, and patience. She also gave me my love for the kitchen. I sure love you mom!!!

Today's post is a special one, just for Mother's Day. My sister had her baby shower a little while back and I thought I would share some cute pictures from it.  Here is the really cool part... The cup cakes you see, were made by an 11 year old. I told her that I would post them and get her some business.  She also made an amazing bridal shower cake for my sister when she got married.  This girl is talented!!! If you want her info, let me know.

Did you know that Huggies makes jean looking diapers?   Pockets and everything. They are so cute! Since my sister is having a boy, we decided to use the blue diapers for the cake. It turned out so adorable!!!

At my mother-in-laws request... here is the recipe for the diaper cake. You will need about 100-130 diapers. (depending on the size you want and the size of the diaper) Start at the open end of the diaper and roll towards the folded edge.  Tie with thin ribbon or embroidery floss.  You could even use raffia or anything else you have.  Get creative!

With someones help (It's tough to try this on your own... but I've done it) stack the diapers in a circle, starting in the center and adding them evenly until you get to the size you want for the bottom layer. Wrap a wide piece of ribbon around the edge and tie into a double knot. You can make a bow, add toys, or other baby items to cover the knot or just leave it the way it is. When it is tied off, I like to add 5-10 more diapers into any loose spots so that the diapers fit a little more snug inside the ribbon. This way, when you are transferring it, they won't pop out. 

Continue doing each layer the same way, adding less and less diapers. I don't connect the layers. It's easier to transfer this way. Then when you get to your destination, you can just stack the layers there. Top with your favorite baby item, or bow. This is such a creative shower gift for the "mommy to be".  This method also makes it so that the mom can use the diapers for the baby. (instead of using glue and wasting perfectly good diapers.)

How cute are these? I still can't believe that an 11 year old made them.  Her mom said that she didn't help either.  This girl is amazing! Again if you want her information, let me know. She doesn't just do cupcakes either.  She has made some beautiful cakes.

A Watermelon cradle! What a great way to decorate a watermelon. My mother has done this kind of a thing for as long as I can remember. Stay tuned for more designs and how to's in the future. 

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